úterý 18. června 2019

back with my online diary

god it's been such a long time since i wrote my last post, honestly forgot about this, my baby bara (<3 ahojki milisku) reminded me.

life is a blast. going to tokyo in two days, then visiting milan later this summer, as well as one of the biggest nature parks in croatia, plitvic lakes. what more could i wish for? one of my biggest dreams - traveling - is becoming a reality. so blessed. literally. traveling has always been a thing that was really attractive to me. actually, i may be writing a whole article about the places i had the opportunity to visit, just to keep all of the memories alive for myself.

this last half of a year has been the most stressful period of my life. i had a graduation, that was a lot of studying which i was afraid of at the beginning but then eventually enjoyed it lol. worse than that was getting into a college. my first choice have always been international relations, that was the one i was focused to. as time went my dad talked me into applying into the law school, did it just to please him. approximately in april i found out that i would actually kind of enjoy it cause when i was studying for my final exams and for entering exams for college, questions from law were the easiest ones for me. well, in the end i didn't get to in and ended up just below last people to get in. but no worries, life is not over and i'm definety trying next year, when i'm gonna know from the beggining where i wanna go and focus on that. until then i will be studying the politics, which is one of things i'm interested in, but i don't really know what job are you able to do with master from this one, so i think i'm gonna keep it just as a hobby. hope everything is gonna go as planned.

next thing i hope i will be grateful forever for is my boyfriend. ády, i know you're reading this one cause i was stupid enough to show you this piece of shitty work, so don't blush much and don't get this go into your head that much. but honestly, couldn't do anything without him, i'm so used to having him in my life, he's my best friend, always can make me laugh and always be there to support me. those things are the chosen qualities i appreciate and i'm thankful for the most.

i think that will be it for the update, i hope to be back sooner with the next 'article' but i rather won't promise anything.

bye loves

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